Backup Administration for Microsoft 365 documentation – version Orion

Filtering in jobs

In Backup Administration, the filtering settings feature allows users to refine and filter among items based on various conditions. This functionality is only available in restore jobs, and not applicable to backup jobs.

Important: Please note that every model has its own filtering settings and filter categories.

Mailbox restore job:

  • All text – Body, Recipients, Sender, Subject, Attachment filenames and content
  • BCC
  • Body – content of the email
  • Category
  • CC
  • End date – the end date of the calendar item(s) or task(s)
  • Folder path – folder path of the parent folder, where the item is located
  • Has attachment – Yes/No
  • Importance
  • Is from In-Place Archive – this option is present only if there is at least one In-Place Archive in the Address book
  • Is recurring
  • Message class
  • Recieved date
  • Recipients
  • Sender
  • Sensitivity
  • Sent date
  • Size – the size of the item
  • Start date – the start date of the meeting(s), task(s), and other calendar item(s)
  • Subject
  • Task completed – whether the task is completed or not (Yes/No)
  • Task completed date
  • Task due date
  • To

SharePoint and OneDrive restore jobs:

  • All text – file content and also metadata
  • Creation date – the creation date of the file
  • Extension – important to specify also with the dot, like: .jpg, .docx, .pdf
  • File name
  • Is file – Yes/No
  • Modification date – the modification date of the file
  • Path – folder/list path, were the item is located
  • Size – the size of the item
  • URL – the path to the file

To specify a filter, click the Change filter button in the Job configuration window. The Filtering settings pop-up window will open, where you can set filtering options in a user-friendly way (filter tab) or in a more technical way (data tab). It doesn’t matter which tab you work with – if you change something on one, it will be changed on the other too. In this section, we will explain how to set filtering by working with the filter tab.

By default, the ‘AND All text (contains) ‘ condition is displayed in the Filtering settings window. You can change this easily by picking a type from the first dropdown list (one of the conditions mentioned above), then an operator from the second, and specifying the value in the third box.

To add a new filtering condition, click the + add condition button.

Filtering conditions can also be merged into groups. To add a new group, click the + add group button.

There are 3 different operators that can be set for a group by clicking on the arrow in the operator dropdown list:

  • AND – by using this operator, items meeting all set conditions will be processed
  • OR – if you use this operator, items that meet one OR another condition will be processed
  • NOT – by using this operator, items meeting the conditions will be excluded from processing. If you want to add more than one NOT condition, they have to be added as shown on the second screenshot below.

Filtering conditions and groups can be removed by clicking the icon.

The set filtering settings can be saved by clicking the Save button, or you can easily remove them by pressing the Clear filter button in the pop-up window.

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