Backup Administration for Microsoft 365 documentation – version Orion

Requested permissions for Microsoft 365 connection

To enable contentACCESS to authenticate and connect to Microsoft 365 services through a previously registered application, certain permissions are required:

Requested permissions

Name Description Requested for
full_access_as_app use Exchange Web Services with full access to all mailboxes Exchange Online
Exchange.ManageAsApp manage Exchange as Application Exchange Online
Group.Read.All read all groups Email, Teams, and SharePoint
GroupMember.Read.All read all group memberships Email, Teams, and SharePoint
Sites.FullControl.All have full control of all site collections Teams and SharePoint
Sites.Manage.All read and write items and lists in all site collections Teams and SharePoint
Sites.ReadWrite.All read and write items in all site collections Teams and SharePoint
Sites.Read.All read items in all site collections Teams and SharePoint
TermStore.ReadWrite.All read and write managed metadata Teams and SharePoint
User.Read.All read user profiles Teams and SharePoint
Files.Read.All read files in all site collections Teams and SharePoint
Notes.ReadWrite.All read and write all OneNote notebooks Teams and SharePoint
Channel.Create create channels Teams
ChannelMessage.Read.All read user cannel messages Teams
Directory.Read.All read directory data Teams
TeamsTab.ReadWrite.All read and write tabs in Microsoft Teams. Teams
Teamwork.Migrate.All create chat and channel messages with anyone’s identity and with any timestamp Teams
TeamworkTag.ReadWrite.All read and write tags in Teams Teams
Team.Create create teams Teams
TeamMember.ReadWrite.All add and remove members from all teams Teams
TeamSettings.ReadWrite.All read and change all teams’ settings Teams
Chat.Read.All read all chat messages Teams chat
Chat.ReadBasic.All read names and members of all chat threads Teams chat

Learn more about permissions and consent here.

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