contentACCESS documentation version 3.1 with service pack

  1. Introduction to contentACCESS
    1. Services provided by contentACCESS
    2. Software requirements
  2. contentACCESS setup package
    1. Installation of contentACCESS
  3. contentACCESS components
    1. contentACCESS Central Administration
      1. Central administration login
      2. Automated single sign on
      3. Central Administration logout
      4. contentACCESS Central Administration user interface
    2. contentWEB
      1. Logging in to contentWEB
      2. Automated single sign on
    3. Virtual drive
    4. contentACCESS Web Services (Proxy)
    5. Central login page
  4. contentACCESS Tools
    1. Installing Outlook forms
    2. Legacy email archive connectors
    3. Legacy archive connector for Metalogix Archive Manager Exchange Edition (MAM EE)
    4. Legacy archive connector for Email Lifecycle Manager (ELM)
    5. Installing TECH-ARROW’s WinShortcutter
  5. Tenants in contentACCESS
    1. How to create a new tenant
    2. Tenant limitations
    3. How to provide access to a tenant (adding new tenant administrators)
    4. Tenant administrator invitation types
  6. General system configurations
    1. Connection
    2. User interface
    3. Users in contentACCESS
    4. Invitations
    5. Roles
      1. Creating roles
      2. Role details
      3. Role assignment
      4. Defining specific permissions of a role assignment
      5. Editing roles, editing role assignments
      6. General use cases of how to create/assign roles
      7. Managing access to contentACCESS objects
    6. Login providers
      1. Login providers’ context menu options
      2. External login provider configuration
      3. Associating an enabled provider with a user login
      4. contentACCESS users in third party systems
    7. System
    8. Licensing
      1. How to activate your license key
    9. Notifications
    10. Monitoring — how to find out possible misconfigurations / reasons of potential system/job failures
    11. Distributed environment in contentACCESS — Clusters
    12. Statistics
    13. How to create/configure databases — All databases
  7. Common features
    1. Databases
    2. Schedules
    3. Retentions
    4. Storages
    5. Exchange connections
      1. Exchange performance settings – turning off the Exchange throttling policies
      2. Hybrid Exchange environments in the Email Archive system
    6. Importing contentACCESS configurations from files
      1. Manual import of Exchange servers/groups/mailboxes to the contentACCESS Address book
      2. Importing File Archive root folders to be archived
  8. Creating new jobs in contentACCESS
  9. Jobs’ page, jobs’ context menu
  10. File Archive
    1. Introduction to File system archive
    2. File Archive settings
    3. Databases
    4. System settings
    5. Retentions
    6. Storages
    7. Root folders
    8. Aliases
    9. Schedules
    10. Provisioning settings and managing access to contentWEB
    11. Configuring aliases
    12. Configuration of jobs available in contentACCESS File Archive
    13. Configuration of File system archive job
    14. Configuration of a File system restore job
    15. Configuration of File system recovery job
    16. Configuration of Remote shortcutting job
    17. Active/inactive documents in File system archive
  11. Email Archive
    1. Important settings before creating an Email Archive job
    2. Database settings
    3. System settings
    4. Provisioning settings
    5. Retention settings
    6. Shortcuts in email archiving
    7. Storing of archived emails
    8. Creating email archive schedulers
    9. User experience
    10. Exchange 2013+: Mail app in OWA 2013+ or on MS Outlook 2013+ desktop version
    11. Exchange 2010: OWA 2010 integration
    12. Address book objects
    13. Granting access rights for mailbox users and explicit users to view the mailbox archive
    14. Creating contentWEB users (option 1)
    15. Manage access to a mailbox archive (option 2)
    16. Database and store assignment in email archiving
    17. How to assign database and storage to an Exchange group?
    18. How to assign database and storage to a mailbox?
    19. How to move data from source database/storage into a second (target) database/storage?
    20. Creating Email archive jobs: archive, restore, recovery, mailbox move, shortcut synchronizaion, shortcut repair
    21. Email archive job
      1. Email archive job configuration
    22. Email restore job
      1. Email restore job configuration
    23. Email recovery job
      1. Email recovery job configuration
    24. Mailbox move job
      1. Mailbox move job configration
    25. Shortcut synchronization job
      1. Shortcut synchronization job configuration
    26. Shortcut repair job
      1. Shortcut repair job configuration
    27. Public folder archiving
      1. How to configure a job to archive public folders
      2. Public folders in the contentWEB archive
      3. User permissions to public folders
      4. Public Folder archiving in hybrid Exchange environments
  12. SharePoint archive plugin
    1. SharePoint Archive settings
    2. SharePoint Archive job configuration
    3. SharePoint recovery job configuration
    4. SharePoint Publishing job
    5. SharePoint in the contentWEB archive
  13. Custom plugins
    1. Email management job configuration
    2. Storage replication plugin
    3. Sharing plugin
    4. Datengut plugin
    5. Email synchronizer plugin
  14. officeGATE
  15. accessGATE Mobile
  16. Virtual drive configurations
  17. Application settings
  18. Terms of use
  19. FAQ

11.25.1.Shortcut synchronization job configuration

Create a new job instance and open its configuration page. In this use case we will create a configuration job with name “My sync job” that will synchronize Jack Bolton’s archive. We know, that some shortcuts in this user’s mailbox have been moved to another mailbox folder. The job will update the location of these items in the archive based on the items location in the mailbox. It will run only once.

The configuration of this job consists of the following sections:


✓ Scheduling setting:

Defines the time slots of the job running. Our synchronization job will run only once, so we have configured a one time running scheduler for that. For more information about schedulers refer to section Schedules.

✓ Notification settings:

In case that you want to get notification emails if any errors or warnings occurred you can set it here.

✓ Processing settings:

The processing settings specify the functions which should be executed inside one job. Performing multiple functions inside one job is optimizing the Exchange access: the mailbox is only read once, but multiple functions are performed on the same set of data.

  • It is possible to use MAPI instead of EWS.
  • The “Allow to update folder path based on shortcut location” checkbox turns on/off the folder path synchronization.
  • The “Allow to restore foreign shortcuts” checkbox turns on/off the automatic restore of shortcuts not belonging to the mailbox.
  • The “Clean up empty folders” function deletes the empty archive folders in contentWEB.

In this use case we set the folder update allowance option only like shown on the picture above.

✓ Address book objects to process:

Allows to set the whole Exchange server, Exchange groups or mailboxes to be involved in the job. In this use case we will synchronize Jack Bolton’s mailbox, so we set his email address here. Click on “select” and search for his mailbox in the pop-up dialog:

mailbox sel dialog
✓ Include folders:

Set the folders (in our use case the entire mailbox) that the job needs to process.

✓ Exclude folders:

Exclude the folders that should not be touched by the synchronization job. The list of folders can be imported from files, too (more information about this option here). Only folders allowed by the include/exclude filters are processed.

Note: It is recommended to process the entire mailbox to receive the best coverage.

In this case we wouldn’t like to exclude any mailboxes, so we skip these settings.

✓ Resource settings:

The selected mailboxes are processed on multiple threads defined here. Each thread is processing one folder from any mailbox at any time.

Save your settings and wait until the scheduler starts the job (or start it manually from the header bar).

The synchronization process is running based on the following rules:

Once the live mailbox folder items are loaded, the corresponding archive folder is located in the database. If there is no such folder yet, the folder is created in the archive (refer to option “Allow to update folder path” in the Processing settings).

The items from the archive folder are loaded from the database.

If the touched item (touched item = item with custom message properties and/or tagged with a custom category) and archived item are matching – the item is skipped (reported as skipped).

If the touched item is not found in the archive folder but the item belongs to the mailbox – the folder path is updated in the archive (reported as updated).

If the touched item is not found in the archive folder but the item does not belong to the mailbox – the item is restored if “Allow to restore foreign shortcuts” is allowed. (Reported as restored).

If the touched item is not found in the database at all, the item is reported as failed (details describing the reason).

Feature limitations – Multiple copies of the same shortcut

If the user has multiple copies of the same shortcut in the mailbox, the shortcut synchronization will not be able to determine the correct location. In such cases the last writer will win (the folder which was processed as the last will win).


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