2.1.12.Virtual drive
Here you define the settings that Virtual drive will use:
Virtual drive fully qualified server name: this value is used to retrieve archived files from shortcuts
Virtual drive letter: drive for publishing the virtual drive content (the archive files)
contentACCESS service connection: URL used for the communication with the contentACCESS server. There are 3 communication types that can be used:
- http – use this if you want to establish a direct connection with contentACCESS. If direct connection should be used, do not change the port number that’s prefilled by the setup package (8736), otherwise contentACCESS proxy connection will be used automatically.
- https – use this to establish a secure connection through the contentACCESS Proxy server
- net.pipe – use this type if Virtual drive and contentACCESS are installed on the same machine; this is the fastest and most recommended connection type.
The installation package writes at first install/reads at each product update these parameters into/from the Virtual drive configurations page of Central Administration (System tab => Client applications group => Virtual drive configurations page).
Further specify the user credentials used to run the Virtual drive service. This can be either Local system user, or an explicit user.