7.6.2.Importing File Archive root folders to be archived
As mentioned already, contentACCESS allows to import root folders to be archived from files. The importing option is available on the Root folders page of the Central administration (File Archive tab => Settings group => Root folders button).
How can you import?
In all cases you need to create a CSV file as in the sample file – a) select the import method in the dialog, b) associate your importable root folder(s) with an archive storage and archive database and c) click Show sample:
A row in the CSV file contains:
Finally browse for your file and import it to the root folders grid.
Note: One importable file can have only one archive database and archive storage associated. If you have multiple roots to be archived and you want to archive them to different archive databases and storages, you need to prepare multiple import files with different database and storage settings and import them into contentACCESS one-by-one.
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