7.6.1.Manual import of Exchange servers/groups/mailboxes to the contentACCESS Address book
As already mentioned, contentACCESS allows to import servers, groups and mailboxes manually into the address book from CSV or XML files as well. The importing options are available on the View address book page of the Central administration (Email Archive tab => Archive group => View address book button).
How can you import?
In all cases you need to create a CSV file as in the sample file – select the import method in the dialog and click Show sample:
Nullable fields are not mandatory and can be left empty.
A row in the CSV file with SERVERS contains:
- Name
- Server DN – nullable
- Settings – nullable
Example: Office365,Office365,settings
If you do not have some of the nullable data, no problem. Simple add an empty character instead of them, e.g.: server: Office365,,,
A row in the CSV file with GROUPS contains:
- Name
- Display name – nullable
- Sid
- Distinguished name – nullable
- When changed
- When created
A row in the CSV file with MAILBOXES contains:
- Name
- Display name – nullable
- MailboxGuid
- User principal name
- Sam account name
- Primary smtp address
- Linked master account – nullable
- Is linked
- Is mailbox enabled
- Is resource
- Is shared
- Quota
- Use database quota defaults
- Archive GUID – nullable
- Email addresses – nullable
- Mailbox DN – nullable
- Recipient type – nullable
- Distinguished name
- When changed
- When created
- Associated user sid
When importing mailbox(es), you need to set some common properties from the outside – there is an extra configuration available for the mailboxes import in the Mailbox options section of the importer dialog. Only values marked with “*” are mandatory. The mailbox options configurations allow to associate the importable mailboxes to an already provisioned/imported Exchange group, to an archive database and storage.
These properties will be set for all the imported mailboxes:
- Server
- Group – nullable if checkbox is not checked
- Database – nullable
- Storage – nullable
- Exchange database
- Archive database – nullable
- The importer control uses the skip existing items method for importing.