13.3.Sharing plugin
The Sharing job is used to collect files (e.g. big files that cannot be sent as email attachments) and enable to share them with other users. The job only collects these documents. The sharing process is done by officeGATE, TECH-ARROW’s genuine MS Outlook add-in. This section provides the user with the information how to set up a Sharing job in contentACCESS. After the job is well configured, the plugin appears in the officeGATE’s navigation pane, in MS Outlook.
Sharing job configuration
Navigate to Custom plugins ⇒ General ⇒ Jobs on the Central Administration web interface to open the Jobs page. Here, on this page, click on + new.
In the “Add new job instance” window select “Sharing” from the list of Available jobs, name it and add it to the jobs’ list.
On the job’s configuration page configure a database and a storage for the Sharing job and save your settings.
Now the user can use the sharing function in officeGATE, directly from his MS Outlook.