login provider
The Microsoft Exchange login provider is one of the external authentication providers. It will allow the users to use their email address and mailbox password to log into contentACCESS. With this method, contentACCESS will use the entered credentials and will try to open the user’s mailbox through Exchange Web Services (EWS). If it succeeds, then the user will be logged into contentACCESS. The user’s password is not stored inside contentACCESS, it is managed only by Exchange. The only prerequisite for this login type is that there should be Email archive configured for a tenant. It is also possible to create users with Microsoft Exchange login types manually.
- Creation of a Microsoft Exchange login provider (for more info please refer to section Login providers)
- Configuring the Exchange settings in Email archive System settings
- Automatic creation of contentWEB users with Microsoft Exchange login provider
- Manual creation of contentWEB users with Microsoft Exchange login provider
If you want the Email archive Provisioning job to create contentWEB users with Microsoft Exchange login provider, Hosted Exchange needs to be selected in Exchange server type.
Go to Address book and select Automatically create contentWEB user
Go to System => Security => Users and click on Create or invite users (read more in section Users in contentACCESS)