- Introduction to contentACCESS
- contentACCESS setup package
- contentACCESS components
- contentACCESS Tools
- Tenants in contentACCESS
- General system configurations
- Connection
- User interface
- Users in contentACCESS
- Invitations
- Roles
- Login providers
- System
- Licensing
- Notifications
- Monitoring — how to find out possible misconfigurations / reasons of potential system/job failures
- Auditing
- Distributed environment in contentACCESS — Clusters
- Statistics
- Legal hold
- Task runner
- Indexing
- SMTP Servers
- SMTP Mappings
- How to create/configure databases — All databases
- Common features
- Creating new jobs in contentACCESS
- Jobs’ page, jobs’ context menu
- File Archive
- Introduction to File system archive
- File archive settings
- File archive Databases
- File archive System settings
- File archive Retentions
- File archive Storages
- Root folders
- Aliases
- File archive Schedules
- Provisioning settings and managing access to contentWEB
- Remote agents
- Configuring aliases
- Configuration of jobs available in contentACCESS File Archive
- Configuration of File system archive job
- Configuration of a File system restore job
- Configuration of File system recovery job
- Configuration of Delete job in File archive
- Configuration of File system shortcut synchronization job
- Configuration of Remote shortcutting job
- Active/inactive documents in File system archive
- Email Archive
- Important settings before creating an Email Archive job
- Database settings
- Email archive System settings
- Email archive Provisioning settings
- Retention settings
- Shortcuts in email archiving
- Storing of archived emails
- Creating email archive schedulers
- User experience
- Exchange 2013+: Mail app in OWA 2013+ or on MS Outlook 2013+ desktop version
- Exchange 2010: OWA 2010 integration
- Address book objects
- Granting access rights for mailbox users and explicit users to view the mailbox archive
- Creating contentWEB users (option 1)
- Manage access to a mailbox archive (option 2)
- Database and store assignment in email archiving
- How to assign database, storage and index zone to an Exchange group?
- How to assign database, storage and index zone to a mailbox?
- How to move data from source database/storage into a second (target) database/storage?
- Creating Email archive jobs: archive, restore, recovery, delete, mailbox move, shortcut synchronizaion, shortcut repair
- Email archive job
- Email restore job
- Email recovery job
- Configuration of Delete job in Email archive
- Mailbox move job
- Shortcut synchronization job
- Shortcut repair job
- Public folder archiving
- SMTP archiving
- SharePoint archive plugin
- GDPR plugin
- Custom plugins
- ThreatTest
- officeGATE
- contentACCESS Mobile
- Virtual drive configurations
- Application settings
- Terms of use
- Download sample for the file to be imported does not work
- Archiving is not working if MAPI is set to communicate with the Exchange server
- Virtual drive is still appearing after the uninstall
- Outlook forms problems
- Unable to open shortcuts of archived files on the server side
- Samples are not shown using 'Show sample" option in the Import dialog
- Do I need to create separate tenants for file archiving and email archiving
- What is the recommended database size for email, file and Sharepoint archiving
- The TEMP folder is running out of space when archiving big files
- The attachment could not be opened
- After updating Exchange 2013, the EWS connection might not work in contentACCESS
- If Windows authentication is not working in contentACCESS and an alias was created for contentACCESS
- contentACCESS Outlook add-in certificate issue
- PowerShell scripts for setting up Email archive
- Solution for Outlook security patches
- Solution for Outlook security patches through GPO
- Solution for indexing PDF files
- Mycompanyarchive SuperUser mailbox configuration
- Office365 journaling
21.8.What is the recommended database size for email, file and Sharepoint archiving ↑ Back to Top
The recommended database size for email, file and SharePoint archiving depends on the size of the organization. Up to 1000 mailboxes (email archiving), 1 (max. 2) root folders with up to 60 million files (file archiving), 1 (max. 2) root connections with up to 60 million items (SharePoint archiving) the organization is considered as small-and medium sized company. If the numbers are over these limits, the company is large sized. If emails, files and SharePoint contents are all archived within your organization, the structure and size of the databases to be created should be as follows:
- Regardless of the size of your company, first create a database for the system (known as “contentACCESSDB”).
- Considering the size of your company, create the following archive databases:
a) Medium and small customers: <1000 mailboxes (email archive) and/or <60 million files (file archive, SharePoint archive)
- Create a separate database for email archiving (EA system + email contents)
- Create a separate database for file archiving (FS system + file contents))
- Create a separate database for SharePoint archiving (SP system + SP contents).)
b) Medium and large customers: >1000 mailboxes (email archive) and/or >60 million files (file archive, SharePoint archive)
- Create a database for the email archive system (MailArchive))
- Split mailboxes to groups (per 1000 or 2000 mailboxes per group) and create separate databases for each group (MailArchive01, MailArchive02). These databases will be then assigned to groups (you can do it in address book or within the archive jobs) and the archived emails will be put into these databases.)
- Create a database for the file archive system (FileArchive).
- Create file archive databases (FileArchive01, FileArchive02) and split the root folders to these individual databases (1 root folder per 1 database recommended). The databases are assigned to root folders in the Root folders settings (File Archive tab => Settings group => Root folders option on the Central Adminisration ribbon). The archived root contents will be put into these databases.
- Create a database for the SharePoint archive system (SPArchive).
- Create SharePoint archive databases (SPArchive01, SPArchive02) and split the root connections to these individual databases (1 root connection per 1 database recommended). The databases are assigned to root connections in the Root connections settings (SharePoint Archive tab => Settings group => Root connections option on the Central Adminisration ribbon). The archived root contents will be put into these databases.