17.4.Datengut plugin
This custom plugin enables to connect the Datengut Document Management System with officeGATE. Based on the exact configurations of a Datengut job, the officeGATE user is allowed to
- Collaborate on the Datengut files using officeGATE
- Collaborate on the Datengut files using officeGATE + Synchronize email categories in multiple mailboxes if the same email is assigned to one Datengut project using officeGATE
If the Datengut job is already created (for more information about creating jobs refer to Creating new jobs in contentACCESS), open its page to configure it.
✓ Login provider configuration settings
Select the Datengut login provider that you have already configured in section System ⇒ Security ⇒ Login providers (refer to chapter contentACCESS users in third party systems to learn how to create it).
✓ Access management
If you want to grant access to Datengut for more contentACCESS users, click on “Edit user permissions” button and configure a new user.
If you wish to synchronize email categories in multiple mailboxes, check the “Enable mailbox synchronization” checkbox. If you would not like to synchronize emails, left it unchecked and save your configurations above.

To enable email synchronization, the following extra settings need to be configured:
- Database connection – select a database where the Datengut job will write the metadata
- Plugin job – select the Email synchronizer job that is already configured (more information here)
- Username, Password: specify the user credentials to be used to connect with the Datengut system
- Scheduled in: set the scheduler which will trigger the job in the given time periods
- Notification settings: if you need to get emails about any possible warning or errors, configure it with the recipient list here