17.2.Storage replication plugin
A storage replication service is a managed service in which stored or archived data are duplicated in real-time. A storage replication service provides an extra measure of protection that can be invaluable if the primary storage backup system fails. Immediate access to the replicated data minimizes downtime and its associated costs. The service, if properly implemented, can streamline disaster recovery processes by generating duplicate copies of all backed-up files continuously. It can also speed up and simplify recovery from a disaster such as a fire, flood, hurricane, or virus.
After you have successfully created a new job for the Store replication plugin (for more information on how to create a new job please refer to section Creating new jobs in contentACCESS), you can start to configure the storage replication job. Navigate to the Custom plugins ⇒ General ⇒ Jobs, and choose the job from the list. Click on ellipses (…) and choose Configure option from the context menu.
The same job configurations can be done with a simple click on the icon of the job in Custom plugins ⇒ Jobs group in the ribbon:
✓ Database settings: Select an existing connection from the dropdown list or create a new one, where the job will save the metadata. (For further information on how to set database connections please refer to section How to create/configure databases.)
✓ Scheduling settings: The storage replication job will run at times, which are set in the selected scheduler. On the screenshot below we have selected the “Always” scheduler, which will run the job without interruption. For more information on how to configure scheduler settings please refer to section Schedules described above.
✓ Storage settings: Within these settings it is necessary to set the source folder and the target folder(s). The source folder will be the primary folder. After selecting the primary and secondary storage, start the job, and the items will be duplicated and available in both repositories. The store replication service does not re-archive the items from the primary storage to the secondary. It only replicates (basically copies) the folder structure(s) and items from one store to the other.
✓ Recovery settings: This option must be selected when an issue occurs with the primary store and the user would like to recover the items (and the folder structure) from the secondary store. In case of any technical troubles, the required documents will be recovered from the secondary (target) folder with the assistance of data mapping saved in contentACCESS. In this section, the second option (Repair items with wrong hash) is only available if the first option (Recover from secondary storage to primary storage) is selected. The first option can be selected by itself.
✓ Resource settings: Under resource settings it can be defined how many items/source folders will be simultaneously crawled. It is not recommended to set here a value higher than the duplex number of cores of the processor, as it will extremely slow down the whole process.