contentACCESS File Archive – Best Practices version 5.0 USE CASE: Steps for File Archive configurationInstallation of the productInstallation of Virtual driveVirtual drive configurationActive directory integration settingsAdding a tenantCreating the needed tenant database(s)File Archive activationSystem settingsRetention settingsCreating a single disk storeSetting the root folder(s)Creating the provisioning and archive schedulersConfiguring and running the File archive provisioning jobCreating a Content indexing jobCreating a File archive job on the Jobs pageFile Archive job configuration 8.File Archive activation ↑ Back to TopSelect TECH-ARROW tenant in the upper right menu of the central administration user interface, and open the File Archive tab on the ribbon. Activate File Archive by clicking on the “Activate” button. Was this helpful? Yes No Suggest edit « Creating the needed tenant database(s)System settings »Help Guide Powered by Documentor Suggest Edit Captcha : Submit