contentACCESS Portal documentation – version 6.4

  1. What is contentACCESS Portal?
  2. Main contentACCESS Portal functions:
  3. Requirements
    1. Hardware requirements
    2. Software requirements
    3. Other requirements
    4. Supported browsers
  4. Installation
  5. Logging into contentACCESS Portal
  6. contentACCESS Portal user interface
    1. “Connect to” menu
    2. contentACCESS Portal’s navigation pane
    3. Item list and item preview
    4. Layout selector
    5. Download from the item list/item preview in contentACCESS Portal
    6. Hide/show function
    7. Sorting in contentACCESS Portal
    8. User profile page
    9. User interface settings
  7. Search functions in contentACCESS Portal: “Connect to search”, quick search, advanced search, GDPR search
    1. Search query language
    2. “Connect to” search
    3. Quick search
    4. Fulltext search
    5. Advanced search
    6. Periodical search
    7. GDPR search
    8. Editing Quick, Basic and Advanced search criteria
    9. eDiscovery process
  8. Folder selection methods
    1. Multi-selection
    2. Recursive folder selection
  9. Tasks supported by entities (models)
    1. Enabling/disabling tasks
    2. Create report
    3. Share item(s)
    4. Legal hold
    5. Tasks list
    6. Tasks page
    7. Download of export actions
    8. Manifest file and its settings
  10. File System Archive
    1. File versions
    2. File Archive tasks
  11. Email Archive
    1. Email Archive tasks
  12. GDPR Application
    1. GDPR Application tasks
  13. GDPR Exchange
    1. GDPR Exchange tasks
  14. GDPR File system
    1. GDPR File system tasks
  15. SharePoint Archive
    1. Item versions in SharePoint Archive
    2. SharePoint archive tasks
    3. Opening shortcuts from SharePoint
  16. OneDrive Archive
    1. Item versions in OneDrive Archive
    2. OneDrive Archive tasks
    3. Opening shortcuts from OneDrive
  17. Sharing
    1. Sharing tasks
  18. Teams archive
    1. Item versions in Teams archive
    2. Teams archive tasks
    3. Teams chat archive tasks
    4. Opening shortcuts from Teams

1.What is contentACCESS Portal?

contentACCESS Portal is a client application of contentACCESS, which is used for viewing items processed/archived by contentACCESS via a web browser. A user can access contentACCESS Portal using the following sample:

http://[contentACCESS Portal_Server_Name]/contentACCESS Portal/

The only condition to access the archive with the contentACCESS Portal is to have contentACCESS Portal access permissions that can be granted in contentACCESS Central Administration. For more information about how to grant access permissions please refer to the respective chapters of the contentACCESS Manual.

contentACCESS Portal is also accessible from all mobile devices. Pages fitting mobile device screen and simplified navigation contribute to ease of use. The searching, item listing, filtering, recovery and export functions of the contentACCESS Portal make the work with these documents more comfortable and intuitive.

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