- Introduction to contentACCESS
- Installation of contentACCESS
- contentACCESS Tools
- Installing Virtual drive
- Installing the Proxy server (contentACCESSWS)
- Installing the Proxy web services
- Installing Outlook forms
- Legacy email archive connectors
- Legacy archive connector for Metalogix Archive Manager Exchange Edition (MAM EE)
- Legacy archive connector for Email Lifecycle Manager (ELM)
- Installing TECH-ARROW’s WinShortcutter
- contentACCESS Central Administration
- Tenants in contentACCESS
- General system configurations
- Connection
- User interface
- Users — role types, creating new users, adding user logins
- How to activate your license key
- How to create user logins to an already existing user?
- System administrators
- Login providers
- System
- Licensing
- Notifications
- Monitoring — how to find out possible misconfigurations / reasons of potential system/job failures
- Distributed environment in contentACCESS — Clusters
- Statistics
- How to create/configure databases — All databases
- Common features
- Creating new jobs in contentACCESS
- Jobs’ page, jobs’ context menu
- File Archive
- Introduction to File system archive
- File Archive settings
- Databases
- System settings
- Retentions
- Storages
- Root folders
- Aliases
- Schedules
- Provisioning settings and managing access to contentWEB
- Configuring aliases
- Configuration of jobs available in contentACCESS File Archive
- Configuration of File system archive job
- Configuration of a File system restore job
- Configuration of File system recovery job
- Configuration of Remote shortcutting job
- Active/inactive documents in File system archive
- Email Archive
- Important settings before creating an Email Archive job
- Database settings
- System settings
- Provisioning settings
- Retention settings
- Shortcuts in email archiving
- Storing of archived emails
- Creating email archive schedulers
- User experience
- Exchange 2013+: Mail app in OWA 2013+ or on MS Outlook 2013+ desktop version
- Exchange 2010: OWA 2010 integration
- Address book objects
- Granting access rights for mailbox users and explicit users to view the mailbox archive?
- Creating contentWEB users (option 1)
- Manage access to a mailbox archive (option 2)
- How the end user logs in to contentWEB (archive)
- Database and store assignment in email archiving
- How to assign database and storage to an Exchange group?
- How to assign database and storage to a mailbox?
- How to move data from source database/storage into a second (target) database/storage?
- Creating Email archive jobs: archive, restore, recovery, mailbox move, shortcut synchronizaion
- Email archive job
- Email restore job
- Email recovery job
- Mailbox move job
- Shortcut synchronization job
- Custom plugins
- Email management job configuration
- SharePoint archive plugin
- Storage replication plugin
- Sharing plugin
- Datengut plugin
- Email synchronizer plugin
- contentWEB
- officeGATE
- accessGATE Mobile
- Virtual drive
- Terms of use
11.22.Email archive job ↑ Back to Top
This job type archives the configured mailbox items into the selected archive storage. The items which are archived with shortcuts or with the “Keep original” method will be accessible both from the mailbox folder and from the archive; items archived with the journal shortcut will be accessible in the archive only. Automated email archive jobs are usually running out of working hours.
Note: The HTML shortcut which replaces the archived email also contains a link in .eml format, which is compatible with MAC OS, too.

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