contentGATE common migration steps

7.4.1.Editing the object mappings

The application allows to edit object mappings using the “Edit” option in the “Mappings” tab’s toolbar. The “General” tab of the dialog shows the basic properties of the source and target objects:

In the “Emails” settings (“Emails” tab) it is possible to prefix the transferred emails in the target archive with a name, email address, ID or a custom folder. It is recommended to use the “Prefix with custom folder” method (in this use case we use folder “contentGATE”). The migrated mailbox folders will be prefixed with “contentGATE” parent folder in the archive, which enables to easily distinguish them from another folders.

Prefixing the items to migrate with “contentGATE” folder

pst to ca object mapping editing 3
Prefixed items in the archive – contentWEB

In next steps we will learn how to create a migration group and add our mapped mailboxes to this group.

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