contentWEB documentation – version 3.2

6.contentWEB user interface

The contentWEB user interface is divided into the following sections:

cWEB 2.9 doc 1


  1. “Connect to” menu: From this menu the user may connect to the associated entities. An entity can be an email archive mailbox, file system archive folder etc., so anything processed/archived by a certain contentACCESS plugin type and displayed in this menu;
  2. Breadcrumbs: The logged on user may see here the entity that he is currently connected to in the “Connect to” menu;
  3. contentWEB pane: based on the selected button at the bottom of the pane (3a) the folder structure; the active/inactive item filtering settings or double-click settings are displayed in the pane
    1. Folders button: used to display the selected entity’s folder structure in the navigation pane;
      Active/inactive items button: active/inactive item view can be applied from here;
      Settings button: the double click on item function may be applied from here;
    2. Folder selector buttons: Use them to select/deselect the entire folder structure in the pane
    3. Layout selector buttons: Use this to adjust the reading pane to the right/left side;
  4. Toolbar buttons – Refresh, Export to ZIP, Export to PST, Recovery (the processing options are dependent on the selected entity);
  5. Item list view with the corresponding item properties;
    Note: An item is a file/email from the list view that has been previously processed by the contentACCESS server;
  6. Item preview;
  7. Tasks list;
  8. Administrator’s settings menu: Common settings and UI settings may be applied from the “Settings” menu item; click “Logout” to log out from contentWEB;
  9. Language selection menu: the user may select a language here;
  10. Advanced search menu;
  11. Simple search textbox;

This manual will fully describe the above mentioned sections of the contentWEB user interface and will provide the reader with information how to handle the processed items.

Definition of terms:

Item = a file, an email or a folder that is present in the contentWEB archive.

Entity = a mailbox (in case of Email archive), a root (in case of File system archive) …; to connect to an entity select it in the “Connect” to menu
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