contentWEB documentation – version 3.2

8.2.Recursive folder selection:

The user may select the

  • Entire folder structure – by a) single clicking into the checkbox of the main parent folder or b) using the Select all folders button
  • Recursive folder structure starting from a parent folder – by single clicking the parent subfolder

in the contentWEB’s navigation pane.

On double clicking the parent folder’s checkbox only the parent will be selected, on third click the already selected folder will be deselected.

Selecting the entire folder structure:

The user may select the whole recursive folder structure by

  • a single click into the checkbox of the main parent folder. The information that the subfolders have been also selected is involved in the grid, and the path is marked with a black color.

    cWEB 2.9 doc 46
    Screenshot: Selecting the whole recursive folder structure using the single click option
  • Clicking on the Select all folders icon above the contentWEB pane:

    cWEB 2.9 doc 47
    Screenshot: Selecting the whole recursive folder structure using the Select all folders icon

    Selecting a recursive folder structure starting from a parent folder:

    The user may select a folder structure starting from a parent folder

    • with clicking 1x into the checkbox of the given parent folder (e.g. TO ARCHIVE on the picture below):

      cWEB 2.9 doc 48

      Use the Deselect all folders icon above the contentWEB pane to deselect all already selected folders:

      cWEB 2.9 doc 49

      Screenshot: Deselecting the whole recursive folder structure using the Deselect all folders icon

      Selecting the parent folder without its subfolders:

      Should the user exclude from processing the child folders and would like to process the selected parent folder only, he has to click the parent folder twice as illustrated on the below displayed screenshot. In this case, the folder path will be marked with a grey color in the grid.

      cWEB 2.9 doc 50

      Screenshot: Selecting the parent folder by double-clicking the check box

      On third click the parent folder will be automatically deselected. The same can be achieved by clicking the Deselect all folders icon above the pane.

      cWEB 2.9 doc 51

      Screenshot: Deselecting the parent folder on third click

      It is also possible to select the parent folder and only some of its child folders. To achieve this, double click the checkbox of the parent folder and check the checkboxes of those child folders that you would like to select.

      cWEB 2.9 doc 52

      Screenshot: Selecting the parent folder and some of the child folders

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