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2.HTML help

In this section, I would love to mention some HTML codes that you will frequently be using. I copied them to a Word document so I won’t have to search for them everytime, nor will I have to write them manually (sometimes lazy people find the best solutions).

Blue note infobox
Code: <div class="infobox"><div class="infobox_content"><em><strong>Note:</strong></em> Insert text here</div></div>

Code: <div class="infobox" style="width:44%"><div class="infobox_content"><em><strong>Note:</strong></em> Insert text here</div></div>

Red important infobox
Code: <div class="infobox_pink"><div class="infobox_content"><em><strong>Important:</strong></em> Insert text here</div></div>

Small font

Code: <small>Screenshot: A job was deleted</small>

Indent before text – sometimes easier and better to use this than bullets or numbering

Code: <p style="text-indent: 5%;"> Text with 5% indent</p>

Colored font

Code: <span style="color: #1E90FF;">Colored font</span>

Adding margin to bullets

bullet with margin 20px

    <ul style="margin-left:20px;"><li>1111111111111</li>

Circle type bullet


    <ul><li>normal bullet type</li>
    <li type="circle">circle bullet type</li></ul>

Different font type

This is the usual font type.
<font style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;">This is Comic Sans MS font type.</font>
<font style="font-family:courier new;">This is Courier New font type.</font>

Upper index and lower index

Code: Upper index<sup>2</sup> versus lower index<sub>2</sub>

Text with colorful background

Code: <span style="background-color:#FFB6C1;">Text with colorful background</span>

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