5.2.4.Loading target objects
Target objects are the provisioned contentACCESS Email archive mailboxes.
Open the Target objects tab from the toolbar. Initially, the grid is empty. The mailboxes provisioned in the contentACCESS archive will be loaded on this page. These mailboxes will be the targets of the migration.
You have two options for loading the mailboxes from the contentACCESS archive:
- Load all – use this option to load all objects available in the target archive
- Select manually – if you do not want to load all available objects from the target connector, you can use this option to manually select the desired objects
When selecting objects manually, the Migration objects dialog will open. Select the desired objects from the list and click Add. The target objects will then be moved to the lower part of the dialog. The dialog also offers an option to select subfolders of a target object (option Add folder). You can also delete the selected objects by clicking on the Remove button. Once you selected the required subjects, click Save.
The selected target objects will now be added to the list.
Use the Properties option to view the basic properties of a mailbox.
Load the desired objects into the target (where you will migrate TO) and then switch to the Mappings section