Exchange Online migration with contentGATE

5.2.5.Mapping source objects to target objects

Note: The Error report and Reset errors buttons are explained in the section Migration reports.

Open the Mappings tab and click Create in the toolbar to create the desired object mapping(s).

The Mappings dialog displays:

  • The source object(s) to be migrated on the source side
  • The target object(s) where the source objects will be migrated to on the target side

Note: A source object can only be mapped to one target, but a target object may be associated with multiple source objects. This action is called merging. If you want to associate multiple source objects with the same target, uncheck the Hide mapped target object option above the grid.

Mappings can be specified manually or automatically. For manual selection, select each source and target one by one, and map them together using the Map selected option. The added mappings will be shifted to the lower part of the Mappings dialog. Click OK to add them to the grid.

You can also remove the selected mapping by clicking the Remove button. In this case, the selected objects will appear again in the Source and Target columns, allowing you to create new mappings.

To use automatic mapping, click the Map automatically button, and select the mapping criteria. There are 10 auto-mapping methods available, including the name, email address, display name, identifiers (object ID, entity ID, etc.), address name with prefix (the part before the “@” symbol), match target name with login name, etc. Once the criteria are selected, click the Start mapping button, and the objects will be paired automatically.

Note: If no matches are found by the auto-mapping, the application will warn you. In this case, the user will need to map the objects manually.

Note: Mapped objects are marked in green in both the source and target grids, while unmapped ob-jects are blue.

It is also possible to map objects based on a .CSV file. Click on File-based mapping in the Mappings dialog and select the desired file. Specify the property separator. If you want to ignore the first line of text in your file (e.g., header), check the Ignore first line checkbox. Then, select the Source and Target properties from the dropdown lists. Click on Start mapping. The remaining steps are the same as manual and/or automatic mapping.

Additionally, you can assign the mapping to a Group directly from the Mappings tab. Select the desired group from the Assign to group dropdown list. By default, only the Default group is available in the dropdown list. If you wish to use a different group, new groups need to be created first on the Migration tab.

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