5.1.2.Specifying contentACCESS Archive as target archive
In this scenario, the contentACCESS Archive is configured as a contentACCESS target using modern authentication.
First, we select contentACCESS Target from the Target archive dropdown menu, then click the Configure… button. The pop-up window consists of three tabs: Connection, Options, and EWS.
In the Connection tab, we configure the Target contentACCESS settings using the Configure connection… button.
First, enter the server name and port of your contentACCESS installation, then click Next.
Choose the authentication type to be used to connect to contentACCESS and enter the applicable user credentials. It is recommended to use an account with at least tenant administrator-level permissions. Click Next.
The next dialog will list all available models based on your contentACCESS license. Choose the Email Archive model, which will be the target of this migration, and click Finish.
Back in the initial dialog, switch to the Options tab. Use the Change buttons to set the following:
- Default retention category: to specify the time period, during which the email message will be stored
- Default shortcut type: it is the primary method used for creating shortcuts. In the case of Exchange Online source, there are no shortcuts (just emails) so we recommend selecting the “Keep original” shortcut type.
- Shortcut type for Backup: in the case of Exchange Online source, there are no shortcuts (just emails) so we recommend selecting the “Keep original” shortcut type.
The available retention categories/shortcut types to be used in the target archive are listed based on the contentACCESS settings. Click the Change… button to select the required option from the dropdown list.
The EWS tab needs to be configured only if shortcuts are being migrated. Since there are no shortcuts in Exchange Online, this tab can be left unconfigured.
Once the source and target archive connection is set, click on Create in the very first New Migration dialog.
The migration project is now added to the Archive Explorer pane of contentGATE.