Exchange Online migration with contentGATE

5.1.1.Specifying Exchange Online as source or target archive

In this section, we will go through the Exchange Online configuration as source or target archive for the migration. The configuration in both cases is the same. First, select the Exchange Server option from the drop-down menu, then click the Configure… button.

Screenshot: Exchange Online configured as source archive

Screenshot: Exchange Online configured as target archive

The Exchange Connection Form Source dialog opens, where you can select either Microsoft 365 or On-Premises Exchange Server. We will continue the configuration with the Microsoft 365 option.
Under the Exchange tab, in the M365 connection section, the EWS address and PowerShell address are automatically filled in. You only need to complete the modern authentication section. This is where you will need the app registration mentioned in the Microsoft Entra ID app registration for Microsoft 365 migration section.
From the Entra ID, you will need the Application ID, Tenant ID, and Client Secret.
Additionally, you will need to provide a Test email address. The user specified here must have access to both the Exchange Server and the registered application.
Once the configuration is complete, we recommend running a test connection using the Test button.

On the Advanced tab, you can choose how contentGATE connects to the Exchange Server: directly (establishes a direct connection without requiring a remote agent) or through a remote agent (uses a remote agent for the connection). In the case of a connection through a remote agent, the server and port values are automatically filled in and should be kept as they are.
You can also select the Load archive mailboxes as source objects option, in which case contentGATE will load the in-place archives separately. This allows to use the primary mailboxes and the in-place archive mailboxes independently.

Once you configured all required settings, click the Save button on the pop-up window.

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