FAQs related to the TECH-ARROW App Store

4.What is the difference between the order and the subscription?

An order and a subscription are two different concepts related to purchasing products or services.

An order refers to a single transaction where a customer purchases a product from the store. The customer selects the desired product, adds it to their cart, and proceeds to the checkout process to complete the transaction. Once the order is fulfilled, the transaction is considered complete, and there is no ongoing commitment or obligation for the customer to make additional purchases.

On the other hand, a subscription involves an ongoing agreement between a customer and a seller, where the customer pays a recurring fee at regular intervals (such as monthly, quarterly, or annually) to access a specific product or service.
When a customer subscribes to a service, they typically gain continuous access to the provided content, features, or benefits as long as the subscription remains active.
Payments for subscriptions are usually automated, where the customer’s chosen payment method is charged automatically according to the subscription plan.

Important: Only the subscription can be canceled (the order not), and it will go into the “pending cancellation” state, which allows the customer to use the product for the paid period, before the subscription will be canceled. Inside the pending cancellation period, the user can still revert the decision and continue with the subscription.
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