Migrating emails (from files) to contentACCESS Email archive with contentGATE

4.Folder structures

The import connector is able to migrate various folder structures:

a) Top lever folder containing the whole content of a mailbox

  • there is one dedicated folder for each mailbox
  • the name of the folder can be used to identify the mailbox

b) Folder containing subfolders

  • similar to a)
  • there are subfolders, which are corresponding to mailbox folders (i.e. Inbox, Sent Items, etc.)

c) Zip files containing the whole content of a mailbox

  • one Zip file is belonging to exactly one mailbox
  • the Zip file can contain subfolders, which are corresponding to mailbox folders
  • multiple Zip files can belong to the same mailbox

d) Zip files in subfolders

  • similar to b)
  • there can be a Zip file in any of the subfolders

However, some rules/limitations still apply:

  • The Zip file can’t contain further Zip files. If it does (like on screenshot below), it is ignored.
  • The relative folder path (blue highlight on the screenshot) together with the file name can’t reach 240 characters. If so, the file path must be shortened.
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