officeGATE manual version 3.1

  1. Introduction to officeGATE
    1. Key features
    2. Software requirements
  2. Getting started
    1. Single installation of officeGATE
    2. Installation of officeGATE in a distributed company environment using Group Policy
    3. XML distribution with GPO in distributed company environment
  3. Launching officeGATE
    1. officeGATE pane’s overview
  4. Connection Settings
    1. Enabling/ disabling providers
    2. Connecting to providers
      1. Connecting to contentACCESS
      2. Connecting to third -party DMS providers (Datengut, Perceptive)
      3. Connecting to SharePoint site(s)
      4. Connecting to Perceptive Workplace
      5. Connecting to Dropbox
      6. Connecting to OneDrive
  5. General officeGATE settings
  6. Offline file access settings
    1. Enabling offline file access
    2. Selecting items for offline access
    3. Updating the offline items based on the online changes
    4. Disabling offline access
    5. Interrupted manual and automated synchronizations
  7. License key activation
  8. Handling with documents using officeGATE
    1. Setting favorites
    2. View selection: Tree view, List view, Collapse all
    3. Searching in officeGATE
      1. Search query language
    4. Working with nodes and files using the context menu
      1. Open contentWEB
      2. Online opening and editing of files directly from officeGATE
      3. Sending attachments/links to the file
      4. Sending ZIP file
      5. Saving document(s) locally
      6. Copying/pasting document(s)
      7. Deleting document(s)
      8. Renaming document(s)
      9. Creating folder(s)
      10. Uploading new file(s)
      11. Folder refresh/provider refresh
    5. Sharing files directly from MS Outlook
    6. Drag&Drop actions
      1. Attaching files to email message
      2. Uploading emails/attachments directly from the mailbox
      3. Manual email archiving using contentACCESS
    7. Handling emails – archive, restore, search
    8. Content type selection and metadata fill in SharePoint
  9. Troubleshooting

8.8.Content type selection and metadata fill in SharePoint

In the course of doing business, a typical organization produces many different kinds of content; for example: legal contracts, marketing proposals, product design specifications, manufacturing process documents, etc. Although these different types of documents might share a small set of common properties, each type of content has unique attributes, and each might be created, used, shared, and retained in different ways. An organization might want to maintain different kinds of metadata about these different kinds of content. Content types can be defined for any item type, including documents, list items, and folders.

officeGATE enables for the user to use SharePoint’s content type selection and metadata fill directly from Outlook by uploading a document. This feature allows to categorize your documents better and helps to save important information about a file for future use. Different content types have different fields (either optional or required).

In officeGATE this option is configurable. The user may configure if he will specify these metadata in case that:

1) the metadata (fields) that are set on SharePoint are required, or 2) all the time, regardless the fields are required or optional.

To configure one of these options, open SharePoint site’s context menu in the officeGATE pane, and click on Settings.

The SharePoint connector settings dialog will open:

Check/uncheck the Show the content type selection dialog only if required fields are present checkbox depending on how you would like to use this feature. On the screenshot above we have configured, that we would like to specify these data only if there are required fields present.

Filling the content type and required fields into the “Upload document” dialog
When the user is uploading a file to SharePoint, the Upload document dialog will appear and he is prompted to fill in the content types and the required metadata. The dialog will open only if this feature was set in the SharePoint connector settings dialog (as described above).
On our illustrative picture below we are uploading (with a simple drag&drop) a file into our Projects library on our SharePoint site. We have set to specify the content type only if there are required fields to specify. The Upload document dialog automatically opens and prompts us to fill these fields in.

On the illustrative screenshot above there are 4 content types available for the user: Document, Installation protocol, Release notes and Manual. The user may select one of these content types. As we are currently uploading a product’s manual, we choose Manual content type from the list. Required metadata fields are dependent on the selected content type, i.e. different content types have different fields. In case of Manual the following fields must be filled in: Product and Version number. These required fields are marked with a star. If the required fields are not specified, the system will not allow to upload the document into the demanded place. An optional field (such as Release date) is not marked with a star, it is up to the user, if he fills it or not. After all required fields are specified click Upload to upload your file into the stated library.

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