officeGATE manual version 3.3

  1. Introduction to officeGATE
    1. Key features
    2. Software requirements
  2. Getting started
    1. Single installation of officeGATE
    2. Installation of officeGATE in a distributed company environment using Group Policy
    3. XML distribution with GPO in distributed company environment
  3. Launching officeGATE
    1. officeGATE pane’s overview
  4. Connection Settings
    1. Enabling/ disabling providers
    2. Connecting to providers
      1. Connecting to contentACCESS
      2. Connecting to third -party DMS providers (Datengut, Perceptive)
      3. Connecting to SharePoint site(s)
      4. Connecting to Perceptive Workplace
      5. Connecting to Dropbox
      6. Connecting to OneDrive
  5. General officeGATE settings
  6. Offline file access settings
    1. Enabling offline file access
    2. Selecting items for offline access
    3. Updating the offline items based on the online changes
    4. Disabling offline access
    5. Interrupted manual and automated synchronizations
  7. License key activation
  8. Handling with documents using officeGATE
    1. Setting favorites
    2. View selection: Tree view, List view, Collapse all
    3. Searching in officeGATE
      1. Search query language
    4. Working with nodes and files using the context menu
      1. Open contentWEB
      2. Online opening and editing of files directly from officeGATE
      3. Sending attachments/links to the file
      4. Sending ZIP file
      5. Saving document(s) locally
      6. Copying/pasting document(s)
      7. Deleting document(s)
      8. Renaming document(s)
      9. Creating folder(s)
      10. Uploading new file(s)
      11. Folder refresh/provider refresh
    5. Sharing files directly from MS Outlook
    6. Drag&Drop actions
      1. Attaching files to email message
      2. Uploading emails/attachments directly from the mailbox
      3. Manual email archiving using contentACCESS
    7. Handling emails – archive, restore, search
    8. SharePoint data handling
  9. Troubleshooting


The vast majority of the problems that you might face during working with officeGATE can be solved with nothing more than a few minutes of your time. Section Troubleshooting takes you through the typical operating system problems teaching troubleshooting techniques to decipher any problem, and giving you the skills you need to solve them.

Here you can find some typical problems that might occur and the solutions to them:

  • officeGATE add-in does not appear in the right hand panel
    When you reopen your MS Outlook it might happen that your officeGATE panel becomes invisible. If you face with this problem, try out the following solution (for better understanding check the screenshot below).

    Go to File ⇒ Options in you MS Outlook. In the Outlook Options window select Add-Ins from the left panel and then click Go at the bottom of the window. You need to make sure, that checkbox for officeGATE is checked in the COM-Add-Ins window, then click OK. Your provider should be visible now.

  • SharePoint connection in officeGATE is not established
    If the connection to SharePoint cannot be established one of the reasons for it could be that the SharePoint password has been changed on the server. The solution for this is to set this new password in officeGATE, too. For more information how to set SharePoint password in officeGATE click here: Connecting to SharePoint site(s).
  • What to do if you officeGATE version is not supported by MS Outlook that you have on you PC
    The message below that you get when trying to install the officeGATE on your PC means that this version of officeGATE is not supported by your MS Outlook:

    oGATE 114

    Please download the version of officeGATE which corresponds to the version of MS Outlook that you have installed on your PC.

  • What to do if the warning below appears in your MS Outlook?:

    oGATE 115

    If you get the warning above and the officeGATE pane does not appear at the right side of your MS Outlook follow these steps:

    1) Click on the View Disabled Add-ins… button in the warning. Disabled Add-ins window will open as on the screenshot below:

    Click on Always enable this add-in and click Close to close the window. Run you Outlook again and the officeGATE panel will be visible now.

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