officeGATE Manual – version 6.1

  1. Introduction to officeGATE
    1. Key features
    2. Software requirements
  2. Getting started
    1. Single installation of officeGATE
    2. Installation of officeGATE in a distributed company environment using Group Policy
    3. XML distribution with GPO in distributed company environment
  3. Launching officeGATE
    1. officeGATE pane’s overview
  4. Connection Settings
    1. Enabling/ disabling providers
    2. Connecting to providers
      1. Connecting to contentACCESS
      2. Connecting to third -party DMS providers (Datengut, Perceptive)
      3. Connecting to SharePoint site(s)
      4. Connecting to Dropbox
      5. Connecting to OneDrive
  5. General officeGATE settings
  6. Offline file access settings
    1. Enabling offline file access
    2. Selecting items for offline access
    3. Updating the offline items based on the online changes
    4. Disabling offline access
    5. Interrupted manual and automated synchronizations
  7. License key activation
  8. Handling with documents using officeGATE
    1. Setting favorites
    2. View selection: Tree view, List view, Collapse all
    3. Searching in officeGATE
      1. Search query language
    4. Working with nodes and files using the context menu
      1. Open contentACCESS Portal
      2. Online opening and editing of files directly from officeGATE
      3. Sending files as attachments
      4. Sending ZIP file
      5. Saving document(s) locally
      6. Copying/pasting document(s)
      7. Deleting document(s)
      8. Renaming document(s)
      9. Creating folder(s)
      10. Uploading new file(s)
      11. Folder refresh/provider refresh
      12. Sharing files and folders directly from MS Outlook
        1. Sharing with contentACCESS version 4.2 or older
        2. Sharing with contentACCESS version newer than 4.2
        3. Modifying sharing settings and checking sharing status
    5. Drag&Drop actions
      1. Attaching files to email message
      2. Uploading emails/attachments directly from the mailbox
      3. Manual email archiving using contentACCESS
    6. Handling emails – archive, restore, search
    7. SharePoint data handling
      1. Outlook calendar entry creation
    8. Teams data handling
  9. Troubleshooting

6.Offline file access settings

Note: Offline synchronization is currently disabled for the SharePoint provider.

officeGATE offers a very comfortable and simple way of how to access your important documents even in offline mode. Any changes that have been made in the document in the source system, on server side, can be synced to officeGATE, to the offline files once you regain internet access again. Keep in mind, that if you make edits using officeGATE while offline, your changes will be saved locally only, synchronization back to the online source system is not supported.

Offline access to the desired information offers several advantages. By working with the files in offline mode, the user can:

  • Work with files while being without network connection;
  • Being protected from network outages;
  • Boost the efficiency of progresses instead of working over a slow connection;

If a file is already downloaded for offline access (into the offline database), and the user double clicks the respective file, the file is automatically opened from the offline database. This saves enormous time for the user, because opening large files from the server would take much more time, while opening it from an offline database is much faster and effective.

If the online communication with a provider (contentACCESS, SharePoint server etc.) is interrupted (network connection problem, the provider’s service is stopped etc.), officeGATE automatically switches the given provider to offline mode. This enables quick access for the user to the given offline information. Important: If the problem is troubleshooted (network connection renewed, provider service restarted), the user must connect with the given provider again (main node’s context menu option “Connect”).

Using officeGATE you can access your documents offline, but only if you first set them up while you have internet access. The offline file synchronization is started on a library/folder, on a folder structure or on the file itself immediately when the offline access is enabled for it and there is a network connection.

To a folder/library you can enable:

  • plain offline access (option “Enable offline access”) – only the content of the selected folder/library will be downloaded for offline access
  • recursive offline access (“Enable recursive offline access”) – the entire folder structure starting with the selected parent folder/library will be downloaded for offline access

The changes made in the source system can be then downloaded to the offline files either

  • Manually – using the given item’s context menu; here you can decide if you want to a) synchronize (update) the offline files/folders based on the changes in the online source system (option “Start synchronization”) or b) start the synchronization from scratch, and download everything regardless of any changes on server side (option “Start full synchronization”)
  • or

  • The synchronization can be automated, i.e. it will run in specific time slots as defined in the Offline synchronization settings. Auto synchronization updates the already offline files/folders with the changes in the source system. If a file is changed on server side, the local (offline) files are updated; if new files are added on the server side, the new files are downloaded to the offline database as well.

Offline access can be used in every web-based file system interconnected with officeGATE, namely your SharePoint sites, contentACCESS, Perceptive Workplace, OneDrive and OneDrive for Business email- and file containers.

If you want to work with your files offline you need to:

  1. enable offline access in the officeGATE Offline synchronization settings
  2. enable recursive or plain offline access for the selected file containers (folders, libraries) or for the files – at enabling offline access for the first time the offline synchronization is started automatically
  3. systematically synchronize (update) your offline documents with the online versions if they are modified (either manually or automatize the process).
  4. work with your offline files without network connection.
  5. These steps will be detailed in the following subchapters.

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