Outlook forms Installation Manual – version 7.0


When archiving mailboxes with contentACCESS, the contentACCESS Outlook forms are used to transparently open an HTML shortcut – which replace the archived email message. If the forms are installed, then the original email and the archived (shortcutted) one will be completely transparent with each other.
There are three contentACCESS Outlook forms available for the user. For the correct functionality all these forms must be installed.

CA_techarrow.oft – is used to transparently open the standard archive messages
CA_F_techarrow.oft – is used to transparently open the forwarded archive messages from the mailbox
CA_R_techarrow.oft – is used to transparently open the replied archive messages.

Each .oft files can be found in the Tools of the contentACCESS installation package:

This manual describes the process of installing the contentACCESS Outlook forms using Outlook.

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