Storage Optimizer documentation

3.Installation of the Storage Optimizer

The application can be obtained from the TECH-ARROW App Store and downloaded from the Download Center using the license key you received. Although the application is free of charge, you need to register (or log in if you already have an account) to be able to download the app and get a license key to the product. (For more information about how to register (or get access to your account), please refer to this manual.)

After the download, locate the installer and launch the installation process.

To start the installation, you will need the license key you received from the store during registration.

Note: please keep in mind that if the license key expires, the application is also disabled, you can’t perform any actions in it, and you will see the message “The license expired” next to the app name in the header.
In this case, to continue using the product, even though it is free of charge, you will need to obtain a new license key from the TECH-ARROW App Store. Upon obtaining the new license key, proceed to access the “Add or remove programs” feature on your machine, locate “Storage Optimizer” among the listed Apps, and initiate the appropriate action of either “Modify” or “Change” (depending on your operating system). Following these steps, you will be directed to the Storage Optimizer setup, allowing you to update the expired license key. Upon successfully adding the new key, press the “Update” button, triggering the reinstallation and automatic startup of the application.

By default:

  • the Storage Optimizer is installed to C:\Program Files\TECH-ARROW\StorageOptimizer folder, but you can use the Browse button if you would like to change the directory.
  • options Create desktop shortcut (the Storage Optimizer will be displayed in your desktop) and Create start menu entry (you will find the tool in the Start menu) options are selected, but you can turn them off by clicking the checkbox.

After you enter the valid license key, the Install button becomes active, and you can start the installation process. If the .NET6 is missing (or an update is required) from the client’s machine, the installation package will download and install the .NET6 version 6.0.20 in the background before installing the application.

When the installation is finished, you can start the application to configure the connection and begin the analysis of your SharePoint data.

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