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9.officeGATE configuration files

officeGATE configuration files are located in %AppData%\officeGATE directory. There is one global configuration file containing settings for officeGATE and separate files for each provider.

The list of configuration files is the following:

File name Description
Settings.xml Global configuration file for officeGATE. Most of the values can be configured using the global settings dialog.
OGcontentACCESSSettings.xml Configuration file for contentACCESS provider. Can be configured using the provider configuration dialog.
SharePointCOMSettings.xml Configuration file for SharePoint provider. Can be configured using the provider configuration dialog.
OneDriveSettings.xml Configuration file for OneDrive provider. Can be configured using the provider configuration dialog.
EIMConfig.json Contains configuration settings for EIM connection.

The global configuration file (Settings.xml)

Configuration key Value Description
PanelShown True/false Specifies whether to show officeGATE panel on Outlook startup.
CtrlToUse True/false By default drag and drop to Outlook copies the link to the document. Holding the CTRL key copies the document itself. Setting “true” makes the function work the opposite way.
ShowTooltips True/false Specifies whether to show tooltips in tree view.
ShowInMailCompose True/false Specifies whether to show officeGATE panel in mail compose window.
HiddenProviders List of tags Identifiers of providers that should not be shown in officeGATE.
SelectedLanguage One of these values: en, de, no, zh-Hans, pt, sk, ar, cs, pl, hu, el Two-letter code of the user interface language.
SwitchToGridViewWithMiddleMouseClick True/false Specifies whether to enable switching between tree and grid view with middle mouse click.
CloseFoldersAutomaticallyInTreeView True/false Specifies whether to close previously opened folders when opening a new folder in the tree view.
EnableOfflineAccess True/false Specifies whether the offline synchronization is enabled.
OfflineDatabaseSizeLimited True/false Specifies whether the size of the offline database should be limited.
OfflineDatabaseMaxSize True/false Specifies the maximum size of the offline database in megabytes.
OfflineSyncFilterItemByAge True/false Specifies whether to filter the offline synchronized items by age.
OfflineSyncItemMaxAge <Value> and <Unit> tags. The maximum age of items that should be offline synchronized.
OfflineSyncItemMaxAge.Value Integer The value for the OfflineSyncItemMaxAge configuration setting.
OfflineSyncItemMaxAge.Unit One of these values: Day, Week, Month, Year The time unit for the OfflineSyncItemMaxAge configuration setting.
DisablePanelToggling True/false Specifies whether to hide the “Show panel” button on Outlook ribbon.
OfflineSyncThreadCount Integer Specifies the number of offline synchronization threads (recommended 2, maximum is 8).
OfflineSyncThreadPriority One of these values: Lowest, BelowNormal, Normal, AboveNormal, Highest Specifies the priority of the offline synchronization threads. Recommended value is “Lowest”.
OfflineAutoSyncEnabled True/false Specifies whether the automatic offline synchronization is enabled.
OfflineAutoSyncInterval According to https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#adding-durations-to-dateTimes Specifies the interval of the automatic synchronization.
OfflineSyncThrottling Integer Specifies the length of artificial idle states during the offline synchronization, in milliseconds. Set this value if the offline synchronization causes high CPU utilization.
MinimumFreeSpaceShouldLeft Integer Specifies the minimum free space that should be left on the drive that contains the offline database, in megabytes. This value helps to avoid filling the disk with the offline database.
PageSize Integer Specifies the number of items to be loaded at a time by the list view.
ShowItemCount True/false Specifies whether to show the total item count under the list view.

The contentACCESS provider configuration file (OGcontentACCESSSettings.xml)

Configuration key Value Description
ServerName String Specifies the contentACCESS server name.
GenerateURL True/false Specifies whether the server URL is automatically generated from server name (the result URL assumes the server is using https).
URL String Specifies the URL of the contentACCESS server.
ShowSharingButton True/false Specifies whether to show the sharing button on Outlook ribbon.
EnableEmailArchive True/false Specifies whether to show the email-archive relate buttons (Archive, Restore, and Search) on Outlook ribbon.
Token String Token of the user that is currently logged in to contentACCESS.
CurrentUser True/false If true, Windows authentication will be used (for contentACCESS 3.1 and older).
Login String The user name (for contentACCESS 3.1 and older).
Password String The user’s password (for contentACCESS 3.1 and older).
AuthenticationConfigId String The authentication configuration identifier (for contentACCESS 3.1 and older).
AuthenticationType String The authentication type (for contentACCESS 3.1 and older).

The SharePoint provider configuration file (SharePointCOMSettings.xml)

Configuration key Value Description
SiteSettings List of tags List of configured SharePoint sites.
SiteSettings. SharepointSiteSettings SharePoint site configuration values Set of configuration values for a single site.
SharepointSiteSettings.Id Guid Unique identifier of the site.
SharepointSiteSettings.BaseURL String Specifies the site URL.
SharepointSiteSettings.UseIntegratedAuthentication True/false Specifies whether to use integrated authentication for this site.
SharepointSiteSettings.LogonWithGlobalUser True/false Specifies whether to use global user credentials for authentication when accessing this site.
SharepointSiteSettings.LogonWithSpecificUser True/false Specifies whether to use specific user credentials for authentication when accessing this site.
SharepointSiteSettings.Login String The user name for case if LogonWithSpecificUser = true.
SharepointSiteSettings.Password String The password (in encrypted form) for case if LogonWithSpecificUser = true.
SharepointSiteSettings.IsEnabled True/false Specifies whether to show the site under the SharePoint provider.
SharepointSiteSettings.WebId Guid The SharePoint web identifier – filled out automatically on first access to the site.
SharepointSiteSettings.WebTitle String The SharePoint web title – filled out automatically on first access to the site.
SharepointSiteSettings.WebUrl String The SharePoint web URL – filled out automatically on first access to the site.
GlobalUserCredentials <Login> and <Password> tags The global user credentials which can be used by multiple sites.
GlobalUserCredentials.Login String The name of the global user.
GlobalUserCredentials.Password String The password of the global user.
SharepointSiteSettings.IsEIMManaged True/false Specifies whether the site has been added and is managed by EIM.

The OneDrive provider configuration file (OneDriveSettings.xml)

Configuration key Value Description
Accounts List of <Account> tags List of configured OneDrive accounts.
Accounts. Account OneDrive account configuration values. OneDrive account specification.
Account.Type Consumer/Business Specifies the account type.
Account.UserId Guid The identifier of the user associated with this account.
Account.RefreshToken String The logon token.
Account.Enabled True/false Specifies whether the account is enabled.

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