(Email Archive ⇒ Settings ⇒ Databases button;
File Archive ⇒ Settings ⇒ Databases button;
Custom plugins ⇒ General ⇒ Databases button)
Open the Databases page from the Databases button. The databases configured to your selected tenant are displayed on this page, in the database grid. The grid contains the following database information: the server name, where the database is installed, the type of database (MSSQL), the database name on SQL, the schema and the database user name. On this page the administrator can configure a connection, where the processed metadata of this particular tenant will be stored. If such a database will need to be configured, click on the + configure new button and fill the required fields in the Database repository window. If the system database server will be used, then check the Use system database server checkbox. Into Database textbox type the already existing SQL database name (if such a database has not been created yet, refer to “+ create new” in section “How to create/configure databases — All databases”).
By default contentACCESS is connected to the database with the credentials of the user, under whom contentACCESS is running. If you want to use other credentials which differ from these credentials data, then check checkbox Use explicit credentials and enter the User and Password that you want to use for connecting to the tenant database. You can also run a test connection with the Test database connection button in the left corner of the window.