contentACCESS Mobile version 5.1

4.1.6.Teams chat archive

When viewing a Teams chat archive entity, the following properties can be seen:

  1. Item preview
  2. Participant – with whom the user has a chat in the Teams
  3. Location/folder of the chat
  4. Date of the last modification of the item

After clicking on an item, a more detailed view opens.

If the chat/group chat/meeting has been shared, a Sharing ribbon appears on the bottom of the page (will be described later in the section Share).

Note: The links and attachments from the messages are opened in an app browser, which means, that the user doesn’t have to leave the mobileApp to check the inline attachments and links.

The context menu of the item allows the following actions:

  • Open – opens the item (not all file formats are supported at the moment)
  • Share – the chat can be shared (will be described later in the section Share)
  • Save file – saves the item to the internal storage, the item will appear in the Saved page
  • Show message – the whole chat will be displayed
  • Close – closes the context menu
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